学生 & 父母

学生 & 父母

欢迎,澳门足球博彩官方网址项目EXCEL学生和家长! 祝贺你的决定 开始你的大学生涯吧.  澳门足球博彩官方网址很高兴你选择了印第安纳大学 first dual credit program, Project EXCEL, to accelerate and enrich your learning path. Project EXCEL courses are available to eligible high school 学生 who meet all applicable course prerequisite and placement score requirements, established by Vincennes 大学和/或项目EXCEL. 请参考以下信息开始 登记程序,并了解更多有关电子帐单的程序.


  • 一种满足学术荣誉和技术荣誉文凭要求的方法.
  • Get an early start in college - prepare for the challenge of college coursework.
  • 有机会在许多职业和技术课程中获得实践经验.
  • Only $25 per credit hour - a significant savings over traditional college tuition.
  • Fee Waivers for 学生 who qualify under the Free and Reduced lunch program.
  • 某些职业和技术教育课程的学费减免.


  • Must be a high school student with junior or senior level status, to enroll in most 项目EXCEL课程. 合格的二年级学生,已完成两年的相同课程 high school foreign language, are permitted to enroll in first-year 澳门足球博彩官方网址 dual credit 外语课程.
  • Must meet all applicable course prerequisite requirements, including minimum placement test scores, as established for Project EXCEL course participation (for detailed information, 查看  课程列表 & 布局图).
  • 必须遵守所有的项目要求和指导方针,如概述 政策和程序 及学生手册(见下文文件).
  • 社会安全号码要求: Social Security numbers are requested to be submitted 所有EXCEL项目的学生,如果他们是美国公民. 学生将输入他们的SSN 通过大学的网上申请. 如有任何问题,请参考 到2008年3月修订的IRS表格W9-S,第2页,第三部分. 请求者信息-处罚:


  1. 如果您没有提供正确的SSN或 ITIN to the requester, you are subject to a penalty of $50 unless your failure is due to reasonable cause and not to willful 忽视.
  2. 如果请求者披露或使用您的SSN或ITIN违规 of federal law, the 申请方可能受到民事和刑事处罚.


  • Contact your high school guidance counselor or teacher to determine which 澳门足球博彩官方网址 courses 在你的高中或就业中心有双学分吗.
  • Determine whether you meet the course prerequisite requirements for each course as 列于  课程列表和分班表.
  • 学生必须完成EXCEL项目 在线申请,然后提交课程报名表格.
  • 课程报名表格可向您的老师或辅导员索取.  学生 must print legibly and fill in all requested information on the registration form, 包括学生和家长的签名.




如何检索澳门足球博彩官方网址X(以前称为My澳门足球博彩官方网址)用户名和密码(查看在线 & 下载)

学生手册(查看在线 & 下载)

如何取得课程结束评估(查看在线 & 下载)

学生发放档案资料表格(查看在线 & 下载)

家长核实及索取学生记录(查看在线 & 下载)

名称更改表格(查看在线 & 下载)

双学分帮助提示(查看在线 & 下载)



All current, and prospective, Project 优秀的学生 are required to complete a 澳门足球博彩官方网址 Project EXCEL (fall term) 在线 Application prior to registering for Project EXCEL 双学分课程. 这个表格的目的是捕捉学生的人口统计和联系方式 information, will allow a 澳门足球博彩官方网址 Student ID (A#) to be generated and emailed to new Project 优秀的学生. 现在,项目EXCEL课程注册和澳门足球博彩官方网址都需要A# Accuplacer测试目的.

学生 should complete the online 应用程序 before or during the first week of class. New 学生, needing to take the Accuplacer placement test, should complete the online 应用程序 at least one week prior to the scheduled testing date to ensure 他们会得到A#,这是参加考试所必需的.



澳门足球博彩官方网址 utilizes an electronic billing (eBill) system for all 学生, allowing 学生, or their 父母, to submit an online payment using a credit card or e-check. 电子 billing statements, for Project EXCEL 双学分课程, will be sent directly to 学生的澳门足球博彩官方网址X(以前称为My澳门足球博彩官方网址)帐户.

请参阅下面的文件以获取更多信息和说明. 费用可能 也可以通过电话支付,通过澳门足球博彩官方网址的会计,在 812-888-4244. 澳门足球博彩官方网址 option 7 and have the student's 澳门足球博彩官方网址 Student ID Number (A#) or Social Security 可供核查的数目.

不同的能力 & 住宿 

寻求住宿和支持的学生 乌的办公室提供各种能力和住宿 必须提交他们的请求和 文档 prior to, or at the beginning of, the semester in which they are enrolled for dual 信贷的课程. 在大学环境中,授权的住宿可能不匹配 those granted for high school courses, since the laws that apply to colleges and universities 这些法律不也适用于从幼儿园到12年级的教育系统吗. 学生 双学分课程, for college credit, are held to the college requirements.

Additional information may be found on the Office of Diverse Abilities and Accommodations 网站,下 早期大学/项目优秀双学分,或联系不同的能力和住宿办公室  DISABILITYSERVICES@VINU.EDU or 812-888-4501.

建议 & 资源

The purpose of dual credit advising is to help you navigate the process of earning 高中就拿到大学学分. 通过考虑利益和未来 plans, resources and support are available to ensure you are taking courses to help 把你的时间减少到一个大学学位.


Choosing appropriate courses will save you time and money on your way to your college 学位. 考虑以下建议,选择适合你的课程:

  1. 你的学术目标是什么?
  2. 你对哪类课程感兴趣?
  3. What requirement is the course fulfilling (either high school diploma requirement 或大学学位/证书要求)?
  4. 你是否符合任何适用的课程先决条件和/或分班成绩?
  5. 多少课程或多少学分对你最有利?




你需要文森斯大学的成绩单吗? 索取正式成绩单 be sent to another university, for the purpose of transferring 澳门足球博彩官方网址 dual credit, please 点击这里. Official 成绩单s can be delivered electronically in as little as 15 minutes 从您下单之日起. 每份电子申请需要支付5美元的费用. 请 confirm the email address of the intended institution, or recipient, of the official 成绩单. 

澳门足球博彩官方网址建议您 查看你的非正式成绩单 on your 澳门足球博彩官方网址X (formerly known as My澳门足球博彩官方网址) student portal, prior to ordering, to verify that all final grades have been recorded and will appear on your official 成绩单. 所有重新订购的费用将由学生承担. 

As a reminder, financial obligations with the University must be met before a 成绩单 即将发布.  请与财务处联络,电话 BURSAR@VINU.EDU 解决任何未偿还的财务债务.

Post secondary institutions WILL NOT award credit for 双学分课程 taken through other institutions based solely upon a dual credit designation on the student's high 学校成绩单.


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